By Eyni Sánchez and Laura Buriticá
Sport has had a lot of importance at Teresita Montes School because of the Handball Project that has been carried out since 2008 by the teacher Alejandro Beltran.
He wanted to include a different sport from the traditional ones such as soccer and basketball to encourage young people to do productive things. So, he motivated the students from Teresita Montes School to take part of this sport.
By Nicoll Bonilla and Sofía Ariza.
Flash ball is a sport that has been carried out at Juan Pablo I School. This project has taken place since 2014 and it has been implemented with the students from 7th to 9th grade from this school.
By Jéssica Cadena Gómez and Sharon Dahiana Plata
Sena is an institute that has benefited some schools in Armenia with different academic programs, as is the case of Teresita Montes School. The program Cultural and Sports Events has taken place at this school since 2018 and the students from Tenth and Eleventh grade have had the opportunity to acquire some skills and knowledge about recreational and sports activities in all areas.