Promoting a Better Future With Parents of the School
By Nicolas Peña and Miguel Vivi
September 2nd, 2019
Parents School Project has helped the families of the students from Teresita Montes school. It has been carried out since 2008 in the three school branches which are Juan Pablo I, Luis Carlos Galan and Teresita Montes, with the help of the teacher Lucelly Perilla and other teachers from the institution who have made it possible. They realized that the students had some psychological problems or conflicts at their houses, so they decided that they could help these students and their families by inviting the parents to the school to a meeting where they can get some advice or solutions about the current problems they have.

Jhon Mario Cardona, who is the coordinator at Teresita Montes branch, stated that Parents School Project is very positive because the teachers who belong to this project look for the solutions to the problems the students and their families can have nowadays. Furthermore, they can propose some alternatives to help these students to improve their academic level since the problems they have at home can affect their daily activities at school.
In addition, the teacher Milena Mesa, who is one of the teachers that help in this project said," We have created bounding ties between the parents of the students and the school. The project has been good but the parents don´t understand the importance of the topics that the project has."