PRAE: an Environmental Responsibility in our Institution
By Samuel Montoya Prieto and Julián David García Giraldo
September 2nd, 2019

PRAE PEGER is a project that links the community from Teresita Montes School to participate in the management and protection of the environment. Javier Gaitán, who is a teacher from Luis Carlos Galan School, worked on this project the last year, but the teacher Nelly Lozano continued working on it this year. Moreover, this project is supported by everyone, with the idea that several axes are managed, such as water management, solid, energy use and recycling. Additionally, this project arises from the specific environmental needs of the context in which we live.
This project has always been carried out at the three branches of the institution which are Juan Pablo I, Luis Carlos Galan Sarmiento and Teresita Montes, where each one has its representatives. Therefore, this is a project that continues every year, taking into account the law of 1980 that demands a PRAE PEGER project in all the schools.

The teacher Nelly Lozano, who is the main coordinator in this project said: "This is a project that involves all the people in our society". This means that everyone should participate in the PRAE project including the students from elementary to high school because all the community must learn to recycle and take care of the environment and the school.
A student from Eleventh B grade called Sebastian Arenas who participated in this project mentioned: "This project is very important because with this you learn the values such as responsibility and respect for the environment; all the students should join to this initiative and collaborate for a good cause. Thus, with these actions everybody would help to take care of the environment in our institution."