Fostering the Culture and Sport at Teresita Montes School
By Jéssica Cadena Gómez and Sharon Dahiana Plata
September 2nd, 2019

Sena is an institute that has benefited some schools in Armenia with different academic programs, as is the case of Teresita Montes School. The program Cultural and Sports Events has taken place at this school since 2018 and the students from Tenth and Eleventh grade have had the opportunity to acquire some skills and knowledge about recreational and sports activities in all areas.
The coordinator Jhon Mario Cardona thinks that this project has had a positive impact in the students: "I consider that it has been an important project since the students have reached levels of organization and team work which are necessary for this process". A leading student of this project, Valentina Tellez from Eleventh grade, thinks that this project has some benefits for their professional life: "The students who belong to this project will have more labor opportunities because we have learned important competences that will be useful to organize different events in our city".
Some cultural and sports activities have been carried this year with the help of IMDERA and the National Police. One of the outstanding events was on July 28 at the police club that is called Gaviotas where the students from the institutions Teresita Montes, Quindos and Instituto Tebaida, who belong to the program, put into practice what they have learned. Additionally, the students were able to carry out recreational activities where people of all ages participated. Finally, they finished the activity with a dance therapy where people could have a pleasant time.

Another important event that took place at Teresita Montes School was the visit of the mayor of Armenia, Oscar Castellanos, whose main purpose was to know more about the different processes that have been implemented at this institution. In this case, the students from the SENA program organized everything related to the logistics of the event, which was very successful.