Educational Improvement
By Juan José Jaramillo Hurtado and Sebastián Gerena Arias.
September 2nd, 2019

This project started in 2010 by Javier García Sepulveda who is the principal of Teresita Montes School. One of his main purposes has been to benefit the students from Tenth and Eleventh grade not only from Teresita Montes School, but also the students from some public schools of Armenia and the Department of Quindío. This has been possible through some virtual simulations that he has uploaded to a platform with the support of some schools such as Normal, Casd, Quindos and Rufino Sur. Additionally, the students who participate in this project have more possibilities to get better results at this test and the public schools that participate in the simulations can also improve their ICFES scores.
John Mario Cardona, who is the coordinator at Teresita Montes branch, explained the importance of this project in the academic future or life projects of the students. He considers that it can help them to have an opportunity to enter university. Similarly, he expressed that thanks to this project, the Institution Teresita Montes has got a better level and it has been recognized In Armenia because of the good performance the students have had in the last years at the ICFES test.

important fact to consider is that this project has benefited many students
from Eleventh grade from this school because they have obtained some
scholarships that the government has offered. Karol Correa, who is a student
from Eleventh grade, corroborated the effectiveness regarding the project: "Educational Improvement Project has been
a great tool in our academic process since most of the students do not see the
importance of the project at the beginning, but it is really important to get
better academic skills in order to get better ICFES results."