A Space to Reflect
By Natalia Peña and Brandon Vargas
September 2nd, 2019

There is a Project which is called School Life that is carried out every year at Teresita Montes School. Its main objective is to provide a space of relaxation and self-help to the students from Eleventh grade before they finish their last school year. In addition, this project helps the students to make a deep reflection on themselves and they forget the stress they may feel about the ICFES test, graduation and what the admission to university involves. Furthermore, this project has taken place in a recreational place called "Moraleja" between the months of April and May.
Likewise, it is very important that there are academic and social activities at school since this helps the students to develop different academic and personal skills. It also helps them to express themselves and forget some things about the school routine, and learn new things.
Danilo Bohórquez, who is a student from 11th grade from Teresita Montes school said: "I really liked this activity because it helped me to express myself and relax. It also helped me to forget the stress I feel about graduating. All my classsmates came together and It was very nice."

conclusion, not everything at the school should be related to academic
activities, there should also be sport, cultural or as in this case, reflective
activities. Students need other types of encouragement in order to develop and
achieve their personal purposes.